Thursday, June 24, 2010

Attention! The Sun Is No Longer Shy

The Bible (we're on Revelations), The Divine Mentor, and blogs

My motivation needs to peak again. I think it'll help when I finally get good play lists to run too - help! The sun is helping my urge to run though, thank God.

Keila's poo. The last three days I've had to take her out after work and her poo is nasty.

California Girls (its just so catchy) and Healing Begins.

Current Obsessions
Tanning - now that the sun's finally out and ready. Naps - don't underestimate the power of a good nap, it does you good.

I need to start job shadowing, I think it'll really help in my confusion/decision. Anyone know a great PT, Sports Med Doc, and Nurse Practitioner?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Day of Summer Fail

Loved loved loved Toy Story 3. What a great trilogy. KE told me today that it made it to the top 10 trilogies of all time. Makes me happy.

Last Comic Standing makes me want to go back to my comedic roots. Amazing Race is an all-time favorite. I'm please to announce that B and I are making our app video next week when he's in town!

Running's become my b--. Did Mt Tabor with Peter over the weekend, that was nice. Thanks for having me do those wicked stairs! Have a new running buddy while I'm on the west side. Miss running with Jess though.

Current Obsessions
Dry shampoo - I don't know why I didn't start using it sooner. Liberating myself - I'm taking it all back! Orange slices - so fresh and so good. Themes - just everything well just mostly for presents.

Josh Wilson, Tenth Avenue North, MaryMary

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sun - No Side of Rain - Please

I'm trying so hard to keep on the training schedule. Its hard. I get home from work and I am beat. Gonna start running with some folks from academy, hopefully that'll help. Mileage update: 5.5. Runs with Jess have been cut down to Sundays since I moved.

There was a ladybug in my bag of spinach.
Accidentally ate turkey today.

Like Toy Soldiers by Eminem and Hot N Cold by Katy Perry

Current Obsessions
Sleep! And pinpointing my anger towards The Situation

What's wrong with you Boston! You don't get to slack when you're up a game. Make your shots, your frickin layups, dunks, etc. Get with it, win the ring!

All caught up with Glee now. Can't wait for it to start back up in the fall.

How can I combine nursing, public health, sports medicine and physical therapy into one? First one to answer wins!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Its June, You Can Come Out Now Sun.

Mileage update: 4.5. This weekend's gonna be 6, hopefully. Decided to cancel the Firecracker 5K. Replacing it with the Lacama Lake Half Marathon - it'll fit better with training. Portland Marathon, I'm comin for you. New running motto: Get off your butt, suck it up, and run.

The Bible and old Women's Health Magazines for the mind, body and soul

"Failure to plan on your part, does not equal an emergency on my part!"

Current Obsessions
B.O.B. : him on Pandora = makes my day
Bean dip hour : getting the stomach warmed up, nice a ready for lunch hour

Motivating playlists for runs. The Sun

B.O.B., Lupe Fiaso, Fort Minor, OneRepublic, Beyonce,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cleanings a Pain

Glee - why didn't I start watching this sooner, at least I got the summer to catch up before season 2 starts.

Starlight was supper fun! Next time I'm dressing up though. Got ideas? I seriously need to up my mileage fast. Hit me up if you wanna run. I'll be out there 5 days a week...

Used to play violin, quit 3 years in. Now I'm picking it up again, reteaching myself (thanks to luis for the violin).
Used to dance, stopped a few years back. Don't know what I feared - insecurities, judgements, people? Now I'm gonna dance again, like I used to love (with back-burned dreams of being on dance team or a backup dancer) minus the fear.

NBA Finals - between the two I'm cheering on the Celts but my heart will always be with my Blazers!

Single Ladies by Beyonce and Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi

Friday, June 4, 2010

Rainy Days I've Had Enough!

Jess and I are determined to do the Portland Marathon 10.10.10. Yeah, we got a ton of work to do. If you're a runner, join us for our sessions! Tomorrow we'll be debuting runs with the Starlight 5K.

I finished reading Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - thoroughly enjoyed it, killing 500 pages in a night. Book Club is reading The Senator's Wife -need to get started on that. I'm also reading The Divine Mentor. Waiting for Some Girls: My Life in a Harem to come through.

I need Why Did I Get Married Too? to come out so I can get my Tyler Perry fix. Surprisingly I enjoyed Prince of Persia. Jake G was not bad to look at for 2 hours, I could do without the hair though.

Can't Give Up Now by Mary Mary and Listen by Beyonce

Current Obessions
Spinach! TZ has the best spinach growing in her garden. Love it! Also boxed chocolate and strawberry milk. Yeah I drink them, I buy them bulk too. Laugh at me holding the boxes at check out - you're the one missing out on deliciousness.