Finished 9th my division yesterday! This got me pumped up for the next few big runs (Oregon Wine Country Half, Haag Lake, and the 21-miler b-day run) we're doing and the big goal
- Portland Marathon. I miss morning runs with my students now that SR Academy is over. I have to do evening runs after work which I'll have to be accustomed to now. I'm going to run with a few of them before they head out to college, what a bittersweet moment that'll be.
Euro trip is getting pushed up to winter break. All I need is the green light from new supervisor and I start planning a 3-ish week adventure to Greece, Spain, Italy and France. I'll be spending Christmas and New Years there - how great is that! After Euro is accomplished I'm going to start adventure p
lans to Hawaii (Honolulu Marathon 2011?) or Mexico, then Aussie/Bali.
I will get back to the books pronto. They're starting to collect dust which is the equivalent to books crying. Mama's coming!
Looking for paella recipe. Mastered my sloppy joe recipe.
Mosquito bites. Where they decide to bite me is unfortunate - eyebrow, butt cheek, knuckles, backs of knee. I dislike you mosquitos so bad.
Current Obsessions
Farmer's Markets and all their goodness. Love the doughnut peaches, raspberries, lavenders, jalapeno popcorn, empanadas, tacos, sweet peas, flowers, paellas. All so good, all so wonderful, all so addicting.
Saving $$$. This one is a work in progress. With all the recent adventure plans and new hobbies, I need to buckle down on the expenditures. I'm selling clothes/bags/shoes and cutting back on happy hour/restaurants/desserts =( I can do this. Just gotta think of the big adventure plans.
Beggin' by Madcon, I'm Going To Another Level by Israel & New Breed, Hakuna Matata
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and not on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5. Trusting in God is hard but let me tell you it'll bring the best outcomes. Just you see =) I'm praying for you in all your joys, waitings, pains and gains.
Llimon you are a beautiful gem in Christ! Keep trusting God to direct your way as you start your exciting new journey.
Super summer co-workers!
My great team diabetes!
My winning obesity team!